Constitution Week in Grand Lake, Colorado /  these words are masked against a blue sky background and are used as a main header for this page.
Join us for "The Premier Constitution Week Celebration in America!"

US Constitution Week - Sponsorship Opportunities


  • 8 tickets to VIP area for all events on Friday and Saturday including:
               Reserved VIP seating at the review stand for the parade
               Private party at an historic home to view the fireworks
               VIP seating area for music
               Special VIP BBQ Tasting
               VIP seating at the Keynote speaker event
               Opportunity to speak briefly to the crowd before the keynote address
               Entry into the parade (Multiple entries if needed)
  • Lodging for 8 for Friday and Saturday nights of our events
  • Mention of this company at every public speaking
  • Placement of your product or display in the town park next to our stage
  • Print as "Keynote" sponsor on all marketing materials
  • Opportunity to meet our Keynote Speaker and have photos taken
  • Mention as "Keynote Sponsor" on all advertisements and at every event
  • Announcements on the "Black Goat Speaker Car" throughout town during the event
  • Featured mention in every radio, or internet advertisement placed
  • Spending a guaranteed $15,000+ on radio and internet advertisements in the Denver Metroplex.


  • 8 tickets to VIP area for all events on Saturday
               Reserved VIP seating at the review stand for the parade
               Private party at an historic home to view the fireworks
               VIP seating area for music
               Special VIP BBQ Tasting
               VIP seating at the Keynote speaker event
               Opportunity to speak briefly before the keynote address
               Entry into the parade
  • Mention of this company at every public speaking
  • Print as "fireworks" sponsor on all marketing materials
  • Printed large banners along the waterfront that indicate the fireworks sponsored by:
  • Placement of your product or display in the town park next to our stage
  • Mention as "Fireworks Sponsor" on all advertisements and at every event
  • Announcements on the "Black Goat Speaker Car" throughout town during the event
  • Spending a guaranteed $15,000+ on radio and internet advertisements in the Denver Metroplex.
  • SPEAKER SPONSOR - $1,500

  • Banners at that event promoting the sponsor
  • Listed as the "Speaker Sponsor" on all schedules
  • Listed as the "Speaker Sponsor" on all websites
  • VIP seating for that event
  • A chance to meet and have photos taken with the speaker

  • FaceBook Logo with a link to our FaceBook Page for Constitution Week in Grand Lake, Colorado Link that will take you back to the Home Page for Constitution Week in Grand Lake, Colorado. Blue arrow that when clicked will take you back to the top of this webpage.